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We, the Our Lady of Sion College community, acknowledge that we stand on what was, is and always will be Aboriginal land.
We pay our respects to the Wurundjeri people, their Elders past and present and emerging and commit ourselves to be concerned always for justice, truth, reconciliation and peace for all people.

Aboriginal Flag
Torres Straight Islander flag

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© Copyright Our Lady of Sion College. All Rights Reserved 2018.

Embrace Community
Past students at a reunion

Past Students

Welcome to the Past Students’ page of our website.

The College hosts a range of events for past students to maintain contact with friends and the school. We warmly encourage past students to stay in touch to connect with one another at a reunion or to support our current students by sharing their study and career pathways.

A reunion is hosted once a year for those year levels celebrating significant anniversaries in recognition of how important reunions are in fostering connections with our past student community. On significant anniversaries for the College, all past staff and students are invited to attend a combined anniversary celebration. For the 90th anniversary in 2018, we welcomed over 650 past students and staff back to the College to celebrate. Rest assured, the centenary in 2028 will be something to look forward to!


This year's 4s Reunion was held on Saturday 25 May, 2024 from 2.00 - 4.30 pm. It was a wonderful opportunity for past students to return to the College and reminisce about their days at school. Past students who have previously attended reunions have enjoyed been given a tour of the College with many remarking on the number of positive changes to the buildings and grounds.


There is a past student magazine, Sionians: Beyond the Cherry Red Gates (see below for previous editions), that is posted or emailed to those on our database twice annually. If you do not currently receive the magazine and would like to, or need to update your details, please email or complete the form below.

Finally, the Our Lady of Sion College Past Students’ Facebook page is regularly updated with photos from the archives. Follow the page to keep in contact and reminisce on a regular basis.

We are looking forward to seeing you at one of our events this year!

Sionians Magazine

Update Your Details

If you are a Past Student of Our Lady of Sion College and would like to update your details or just send us a message, please complete and submit the form below.

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